Would you like to experience how residents and professionals collaborate in the neighborhood? Sign up for our Kenniscafé: In conversation with the neighborhood #HowThen?
Researchers from Leiden University of Applied Sciences will share their insights from the De wijk als inclusieve en aantrekkelijke leefomgeving (Leiden ZuidWest) project, in which they collaborate with residents and professionals to create a healthy, inclusive neighborhood.
On March 3rd, mboRijnland will showcase how their Health Information Point contributes to the community: residents can receive free health checks from student medical assistants.
Leren met de Stad will also be there! This initiative brings together Leiden students, residents, the municipality, and organizations to tackle local challenges. Another great example is Energiefixers071, where mboRijnland students help residents make social housing more sustainable.
Curious about how to engage citizens in science? The Citizen Science Lab at Leiden University organizes initiatives where anyone can work with data and research—making science more accessible and enriched with insights from society.
And finally, discover the plans for the Tweede Groene Ring! What will it look like? Residents will soon have a say through a competition organized by the Municipality of Leiden.
Please register as soon as possible via healthysocietycenter@leiden.nl. Don't forget to include your employer and job title.
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