Eye research projects are giving a good glance at the potential of clinical technology

Monday, July 8, 2024

A phantom for practicing caesarean sections in low-income countries, applying deep-learning algorithms for CT scans and designing a tool to hold forceps for a long period of time during an operation: these were some examples of the research projects that graduating Bachelor students presented during the final symposium of the bachelor study ‘Clinical Technology’ (KTO).

This annual ending of the bachelor program once again gave a good reflection of the possibilities of clinical technology. Two student projects stood out. They won a Medical Delta KTO-WOW! award for their research.

One of the winning projects focused on possibilities for better training of doctors in early detection of the formation of glaucoma. They developed a so-called 'KTOog model' for this purpose. Glaucoma is a condition that can disrupt eye pressure and leads to vision loss and blindness. This can be prevented if increased eye pressure is diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. However, the interpretation of measurements is difficult because the pressure in the eye is not always equal to what can be measured, and because this pressure fluctuates with the heart rate. With the developed model professionals can be better trained in properly carrying out these difficult measurements.

Iris movements as an indicator of equilibrium migraine

Equilibrium migraines and Ménière's disease have similar symptoms, making it difficult for doctors to distinguish between these conditions. Because these conditions require different treatment, a correct diagnosis is important. Hippus, i.e. rapid pulsation of the iris, may be an indicator to distinguish the two conditions.

A student team designed an algorithm to measure hippus size and frequency and tested it on eye videos of patients with vestibular migraines and Ménière's disease. With their algorithm they found a significant difference between the two conditions, making hippus a good indicator for making the correct diagnosis. These students also received a Medical Delta KTO-WOW! award for their research.

Live interview

Between the student presentations and the announcement of the winners, Medical Delta hosted a break-out session with a presentation by Young Medical Delta and a live interview with Thomas Kluiters, one of the founders of the company Juvoly - winner of the national 'Zorginnovatieprijs' 2024.

Clinical Technology is a joint bachelor's degree program of TU Delft, LUMC and Erasmus MC and was developed from a Medical Delta perspective. A 'clinical technologist' combines technological knowledge and skills with knowledge of healthcare; MSc graduates are BIG registered. Please visit this page for more information.

This year 88 students graduated. The summaries of this year's graduation research can be found here.

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