Green OR Barometer presented to minister Dijkstra

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Switching to green energy, discontinuing the use of nitrous oxide, and using reusable, PFAS-free surgical gowns are three of ten key actions that together can reduce operating room (OR) CO2 emissions by nearly three-quarters. These actions are outlined in the Green OR Barometer report, which the National Network for Green OR presented to acting Minister Pia Dijkstra (Medical Care). The Green OR Barometer offers a scientifically substantiated solution to make ORs more environmentally friendly without compromising patient safety.

Operating rooms in the Netherlands have a significant carbon footprint, contributing to an unhealthy environment, which contradicts their goal of improving patient health. On Tuesday, June 4, the National Network for Green OR officially presented the Groene OR Barometer report to acting Minister Dijkstra.

Aiming to make ORs more sustainable, Leiden University Medical Center, Radboud University Medical Center, and Radboud University, in collaboration with Gupta Strategists, initiated the development of the Green OR Barometer. This project is part of the National Network for Green OR and is subsidized by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport.

Green OR Barometer

The Green OR Barometer provides a scientifically backed solution to make ORs more eco-friendly without endangering patient safety. Hospitals complete a simple questionnaire on topics affecting their carbon footprint, such as energy consumption, anesthesia, medication, waste management, and logistics. Based on the completed questionnaires, the Green OR Barometer generates a tailored advisory report. This report not only shows the hospital’s sustainability score but also compares it with other hospitals in the Netherlands, offering further motivation to improve sustainability.

Ten Actions for a Three-Quarters Reduction

In addition to the individual hospital reports, a national advisory report was created based on the pilot's outcomes. This report identifies ten key actions that together can reduce CO2 emissions by nearly three-quarters.

The most impactful measure is switching to green energy, which can save 18,000 tons of CO2 equivalent, representing 35% of the total savings. Other significant measures include discontinuing the use of nitrous oxide (over 6,000 tons of CO2 equivalent) and switching to reusable, PFAS-free surgical gowns. Besides these measures, organizational improvements are crucial, such as setting concrete goals and involving managers and staff from supporting departments.

Sustainability Issues

During the presentation, the minister and the network members discussed the concrete recommendations to promote OR sustainability. “I am very grateful to the National Network for this report. It’s not easy to get everyone on the same page. Their hard work has produced a report with concrete tools to further green the ORs in the Netherlands,” said Minister Dijkstra. Ideas were also exchanged on how the workplace and the government can reinforce each other on this subject. Prof. Dr. Frank Willem Jansen, chairman of Medical Delta and the National Network for Green OR, said, “It’s precisely through the collaboration between professionals on the ground and the government that we can give substance to making healthcare more sustainable. In this case, measuring is knowing.”

Leading Role

The National Network for Green OR  plays a leading role in the sustainability of healthcare. The network works on concrete solutions within various themes, such as the proper use of anesthetic gases and medication residues, and reducing plastic waste and energy consumption. Earlier this year, the network published a guideline for adding sustainability clauses to national healthcare guidelines. The launch of the Green Barometer is an important step towards a sustainable future in healthcare.

Read the report 'Green OR Barometer'.
Check out Medical Delta's guides for greening healthcare.
Join the Round Table and Medical Delta Café on June 25 about healthcare sustainability.

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