Medical Delta boosts regional collaboration: subsidy for 17 programs and 8 living labs

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

By granting seeding money to seventeen programs and eight living labs, Medical Delta is giving a boost to regional collaboration in the field of innovation and health in the province of Zuid-Holland. The support will be used to build consortia for demand-oriented research and implementation of health innovations.

The programs and living labs focus on research, development, innovation and implementation within four themes: 'care', 'prevention', 'transformation' and 'sustainability & greening'.

From science to practice

With scientific programs and living labs, Medical Delta has built a bridge between medical science, innovation and technology and healthcare practice in the period 2019-2024. Some of these programs and living labs continue to run. In the coming years, Medical Delta will further broaden its field of work from 'medical technology' to 'health and innovation'.

To keep healthcare accessible, staffed and affordable, it is necessary to collaborate more and sometimes differently. Research alone is not sufficient to apply innovations in healthcare in a sustainable and effective manner; a broader scope of partners is important to ensure that what is developed is put into practice.

The expertise, knowledge and skills of developers, people from healthcare and healthcare practice, end users, policy makers, practical education and many others are added to Medical Delta's 'interdisciplinary' partnership between scientists from various research fields. The health practice is actively involved in the programs and living labs from the start, creating transdisciplinary collaborations.

Powerful consortia for impactful solutions

Researchers, developers and healthcare organizations were given the opportunity to submit proposals at the beginning of this year. Eight living labs and seventeen programs have been put together from more than sixty proposals. An external review committee looked into this, advised and gave a positive assessment.

The consortia that have been formed will start this autumn at the latest. They are tasked with shaping their partnerships in such a way that successful and future-proof consortia are created that actually create impactful and implementation-oriented innovations and insights. Healthcare organizations, social organizations, companies, scientists and others are invited to think along and participate. They can contact Medical Delta for this.

The programs and living labs will receive seeding money of a total of €6 million over a period of four years. In addition, support is provided by the Medical Delta office, including in the areas of innovation management, communication, (strategic) advice and (network) events.

About Medical Delta

Medical Delta was founded in 2006 by three universities (TU Delft, Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam) and the two University Medical Centers (LUMC and Erasmus MC). Since 2016, four universities of applied sciences (The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and Leiden University of Applied Sciences) have also been affiliated. Medical Delta's mission is to contribute, as a regional partnership, with innovative and sustainable solutions to keeping healthcare accessible, staffed and affordable. Medical Delta does this based on the vision that to realize sustainable and innovative solutions in healthcare, a transdisciplinary approach is increasingly needed. Collaboration is crucial to move from fundamental research to application in daily practice.

An overview of the working titles of the seventeen programs and eight living labs can be found here. This concerns the working titles as mentioned in the proposed proposals. Please note that the names of the programs and living labs are subject to change.

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