In addition to a successful webinar series for healthcare professionals, LUMC researchers involved in the Medical Delta Institute of Fetal & Neonatal Care scientific program now also have a webinar series for expectant parents of twins. This is done in collaboration with the TAPS Support Foundation.
Twin anemia polycythemia sequence (TAPS) is a condition that can occur in monochorionic twin pregnancies. Monochorionic twins are identical (identical) and share one placenta. The blood circulation of the children is connected by means of vascular connections on the placenta. In the normal situation, the blood flow between the two children is balanced. With TAPS, this balance is not there, and too much blood slowly flows from one child to another through very small vascular connections. This way e child who donates too much blood gets anemia. The child who receives the blood however, gets blood that is too thick (polycythemia).
Under the heading 'Twin Talks Webinars', the research group, together with the patient organization TAPS Support Foundation, started a series of short webinars in which scientists explain in an accessible way about various facets that parents can deal with, such as how to deal with a complicated diagnosis. and how to arrange the right care. The series kicked off on June 29 with presentations from patients, experts and extensive opportunities to ask questions. In addition to expectant parents of TAPS twins, healthcare professionals are also invited to participate in order to gain knowledge and exchange experiences. You can register for the following webinars via this link.
In the Medical Delta Institute of Fetal and Neonatal Care, maternal fetal specialists and neonatologists from LUMC and Erasmus MC work together, supported by technological experts and engineers from TU Delft. Previously, the LUMC research group involved in Medical Delta Institute of Fetal & Neonatal Care set up a successful international webinar and then a national webinar series for referrers such as gynaecologists, neonatologists, ultrasound technicians and obstetricians.
Examples of these often life-saving operations are intrauterine blood transfusions for rhesus problems and a fetoscopy with laser treatment for twin problems, which in the Netherlands are only performed in the LUMC by the national center for fetal therapy. In the webinar series for referrers, common conditions such as rhesus or twin problems are discussed. The technical actions are shown by means of recordings of treatments, whereby medical technology that has been developed together with TU Delft can also be used. In addition to this information transfer, experiences are exchanged, so that referrers can properly include their patients in the care process that may await them.
This interdisciplinary webinar series is attracting a lot of interest and will be continued monthly. You can register for the webinar by sending an email to
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