Start minor ‘Co-creating a Healthy Society’

Monday, September 16, 2024

The new minor ‘Co-creating a Healthy Society’ started this semester. The minor stems from the Healthy Society programme of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities and Medical Delta. It offers a broad perspective on health and focuses on co-creation and reducing health inequalities.

During the minor, students from diverse backgrounds learn to analyse and tackle actual social problems such as health inequalities, obesity, loneliness, chronic diseases and stress in interdisciplinary teams. They apply their theoretical knowledge and skills through fieldwork and in collaboration with external stakeholders. This way, they learn to collaborate with various disciplines and develop skills to design solutions that contribute to a healthy society.

Joining strengths universities and colleges

The minor derives from the Healthy Society programme of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities and Medical Delta. In the minor, the three universities in Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam join forces with the four universities of applied sciences in the Vital Delta network. The healthy society is approached from the perspective of Psychology, Sociology/Antropology, Public Administration and Architecture. For fieldwork, the minor collaborates with ‘Learning with the City’ in Leiden and with ‘Impact at the Core’.

Students learn to devise innovative solutions for preventing diseases and disorders and solve problems in practice using the challenge-based learning method. They do so in co-creation with social partners, such as municipality policymakers, GGD staff and residents.

More details about the minor can be found here.

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