Medical Delta Program 'Appropriate remote COPD care (PASTEL)'

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common and serious lung disease. Due to an aging population, the number of patients with COPD is increasing. COPD patients are often severely limited and experience a high disease burden, partly due to hospital admissions during a lung attack. This leads to high mortality and high healthcare costs.

The Medical Delta Program 'Appropriate remote COPD care (PASTEL)' aims to reduce the number of lung attacks (COPD exacerbations), partly by supporting the care of COPD patients with eHealth.

The Medical Delta program PASTEL aims to support people with COPD and reduce healthcare burdens. The program includes both research and implementation.

Predicting a lung attack

The research program invites a randomized group of COPD patients who have been hospitalized due to a lung attack to participate in an intervention. They receive an integrated eHealth application to take home, which includes telemonitoring, wearables, and an AI algorithm to detect a lung attack. The number of lung attacks, hospital readmissions, quality of life, and healthcare costs are measured as part of the study.

Ultimately, the Medical Delta program PASTEL aims to predict when someone with COPD will experience a lung attack. Using the collected data, the program optimizes a personalized lung attack detection algorithm. This is achieved through the analysis of data on physical activity, emergency medication use, and particulate matter (air pollution).

Not all innovations that could support people with COPD are being utilized. The Medical Delta program PASTEL investigates the barriers to implementing these innovations and examines the user experiences of the participants. Based on this input, the Medical Delta program PASTEL optimizes care processes to support patients in their own environment.


The program promotes:

  • knowledge development (science) about lung attacks in people with COPD;
  • efficient care processes and improved patient outcomes;
  • the establishment of projects for students;
  • the accessibility, affordability, and sustainability (socially and societally) of healthcare.


For more information or if you are interested in participating, please contact one of our innovation managers.

scientific leaders

Dr. Yasemin Türk


Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland

Dr. Johannes in 't Veen


Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland

Dr. Marise Kasteleyn

Assistant Professor Public Health and Primary Care


Contact person

Marina Bakker MSc

+31 6 53 91 32 77


LUMC; Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam; Hogeschool Rotterdam; Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland; Nederlandse Vereniging van Artsen voor Longziekten en Tuberculose; Longfonds; Curavista bv; MonitAir

Core team

Dr. Yasemin Türk (Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland); Dr. Johannes in t Veen (Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland); Dr. Marise Kasteleyn (LUMC); prof. dr. Maureen Rutten-van Mölken (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam); dr. ir. Helma Kaptein, MBA (Hogeschool Rotterdam); prof. dr. Niels Chavannes (LUMC); Johan Oosterheert (MonitAir); Esther van Noort (Curavista bv)

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