Symposium 'The future of Arrhythmia Management: from substrate to signal' van het Medical Delta Cardiac Arrhythmia Lab en oratie van Medical Delta hoogleraar prof. dr. N.M.S. de Groot.
Programma Symposium (locatie Mainport Hotel Rotterdam):
Moderators: prof. dr. M. Allessie & prof. dr. ir. A. Van der Steen
08:30 - 09:00 Welcome & registration
09:00 - 09:10 Welcome; Arrhythmias in cardiology (prof. dr. F. Zijlstra, Erasmus MC)
09:10 - 09:20 Arrhythmias related to cardiothoracic surgery (prof. dr. A. Bogers, Erasmus MC)
09:20 - 09:40 Evolution of cardiac rhythm disorders (dr. Y. Taverne, Erasmus MC)
09:40 - 10:00 Unraveling the structural substrate of atrial fibriillation (prof. dr. B. Brundel, Amsterdam UMC)
10:00 - 10:20 Unraveling the electrical substrate of atrial fibrillation (prof. dr. ir. A. Van der Veen, TU Delft)
10:20 - 10:45 Coffee break
10.45 - 11.05 Wearable tools for arrhythmia detection: do we have it all? (prof. dr. ir. W. Serdijn, TU Delft
11:05 - 11.25 Imaging of cardiac arrhythmias (prof. dr. ir. A. Van der Steen - Erasmus MC)
11.25 - 11.45 State-of-the-art ablative therapy of cardiac arrhythmias (drs. S. Wijchers, Erasmus MC)
11.45 - 12.45 Lunch break
12.45 - 13.15 Cardiac arrhythmias in guch patients: from signal to substrate (prof. dr. J. Triedman, Harvard)
13.15 - 13.45 State-of-the-art device therapy of cardiac arrhythmias in guch patients (dr. J. Moore, UCLA)
13.45 - 14.15 Questions & discussion; wrap up (prof. dr. M. Allessie & prof. dr. ir. A. Van der Steen)
16.00 Oratie prof. dr. Natasja de Groot (locatie Erasmus Universiteit, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam)