TechMed Summerschool LUMC



08.30 - 17.00

De maand juni is TechMedMaand in het LUMC. Via diverse events en nieuwsartikelen laat het LUMC zorgmedewerkers, studenten en andere geïnteresseerden kennismaken met technologie in de zorg. Verschillende aspecten van dit onderwerp zullen aan bod komen, zoals de rol van de klinisch technoloog, de participatie van LUMCers in Medical Delta, patientveiligheid en technologie. 

De TechMedMaand wordt afgesloten met de Tech Med Summer School van 5 t/m 7 juli. 



Met bijdragen van onder andere:

Dr. M.S. Arbous (LUMC) - How can we strengthen the bridge between the medical specialists and the engineers?
Prof. dr. F.W. Jansen (LUMC, voorzitter Medical Delta) - The green OR: mission impossible?
Dr. ir. T. Horeman (TU Delft) - Circularity: the ultimate option in technical design of instruments
Dr. J.J. van den Dobbelsteen (TUDelft) -Digital Operating Room Assistant (DORA): process management of the future
Prof. dr. J. Dankelman (TU Delft, Medical Delta hoogleraar) - Technology application in developing countries: challenges or opportunities?
T.B.A. - Visual planning of surgery: 3D as option?
Dr. A.L. Vahrmeijer (LUMC) - Fluorescence guided surgery – from bench to bedside
Prof. dr. F.W.B. van Leeuwen (LUMC) - Hybrid concepts for surgical guidance


Met bijdragen van onder andere:

Prof. dr. A. Plaat (LIACS) - Theoretical foundation of AI, machine learning techniques
Prof. dr. M.C. de Vries (LUMC) - Ethical aspects of AI
Prof. mr. dr. ir. B.H.M. Custers (Universieit Leiden) - Legal aspects of AI
Dr. E.L.A. Flikkenschild (LUMC) - Sharing of data in health care Framework for trusted re-use of DATA
Dr. B. Geerts - Predicting postoperative infections /intraoperative hypotension
Prof. dr. ir. B.P.F. Lelieveldt (LUMC, Medical Delta hoogleraar) - AI and Radiomics
Dr. M. Komorowski (Imperial College London, London) - The AI clinician learns optimal treatment strategies for sepsis in the intensive care.
Dr. M.S. Arbous/ S. vd Meijden/ A. de Hond - A roadmap for data driven health care
From data to clincal value for the patient
Prof. dr. N.H. Chavannes (LUMC, Medical Delta hoogleraar) - E-health for diagnostics and therapeutics in primary care

Woensdag 7 juli - IMAGING OF CANCER

Met bijdragen van onder andere:

Dr. D. Vriens (LUMC) - A journey through unclear imagination?!
Dr. N. Doorenweerd (LUMC) - MRI innovations for oncology
Drs. B. Boekestijn (LUMC) - CT in cancer imaging: is there still room for improvement?
Prof. dr. M. van Vulpen (LUMC, Medical Delta hoogleraar) - Technical uncertainties in clinical proton therapy
Prof. dr. L.F. de Geus-Oei (LUMC) - Theranostic, driving the future of nuclear medicine?

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