De belangrijkste uitkomsten uit de scriptieonderzoeken van de deelnemers aan de Thesis Lab Sustainable Hospitals 2023 zijn samengevat in overzichtelijke posters.
Deze zijn hieronder als PDF te downloaden:
The road to Plant-Bases Medical Nutrition - Amber Habashy
Hospital Food Transition - Annemarie Keller
Environmental Impact of Disposable and Reusable Absorbent Pads: A Guide for Environmentally Conscious Healthcare Choices - Bastiaan Blank
The environmental impact of PET-CT - Laura Artz
Sustainability under Time-Pressure at the Obstetrics - Maisha Alam
Requirements for material logistics in a circular hospital - Mels Arnoldy
Environmental Impact: IUD vs NOVASURE - Nienke Borgman
Reducing medicine waste at the OR - Noor van Amelsfort
The psychology of food transition: increasing sustainable food choice with a nudging intervention - Tessa Groenendijk
Ultrasound Gel Bottle Redesign - Tianxing Shang
Enkele afstudeerscripties staan hieronder gepubliceerd:
Hospital Food Transition - A qualitative study on drivers and influences of stakeholder on healthy food policies in the Leiden University Medical Centre
- Scriptie Annemarie Keller
Material logistics infrastructure in a circular hospital - Design science research in academic hospitals Erasmus Medisch Centrum (Erasmus MC) & Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC)
- Scriptie Mels Arnoldy
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